Hyperparameter Tuning

The reference [1] has thorough explanations. Here I only note the things that I personally need.

Gradient Checks

  • Compare the analytical and numerical gradients. \[ \frac{d f(x)}{dx} = \frac{f(x+h) - f(x-h)}{2h} \]
  • use relative error for the comparison \[ \frac{|f’_a - f’_n|}{max(|f’_a|, |f’_n|)} \] errors under 1e-4 usually means it’s good.

Learning Process

learning (figure from [1])

  • Loss vs. Epoch plots.
    • Low learning rate results in linear progress; high learning rate results in sticking in an overall high loss. progress; high learning rate results in sticking in an overall high loss.
    • If the lines wiggle a lot, it might indicate that the batch size is too small. indicate that the batch size is too small.
  • Train/Val Accuracy
    • If the validation accuracy is far lower than training, it is overfitting.
    • If the validation accuracy is close to the training, it means the model is too simple to learn things. You might need to increase the model parameters.
  • Ratio of Weight Updates
    • The ratio of the update magnitudes to the value magnitudes (using 2-norm for both) should be around 1e-3. If it’s lower than 1e-3, the learning rate might be too low, and vice versa.

Identify Incorrect Initialization

Plot activation/gradient histogram for all layers. Should not have any strange distributions (e.g., biasing toward any boundaries).

First Layer Visualization could be Useful in Computer Vision.


  • master-slave threading
  • prefer one fixed validation fold
  • random search rather than grid search (log-scale search)


  • Model Ensembels: average indepdent models’ predications could slightly increase the final performance.


  1. http://cs231n.github.io/neural-networks-3/
Written on October 16, 2017